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[SOLVED]Pixelation while downsizing

Posted: 2012-10-04T06:52:46-07:00
by slahoti
I am trying to resize/resample an image from 800x1080 pixels size to 259x350 pixels size using IM's resize -filter Lanczos command. However, the resultant image looks pixelated. When I resize the image in Irfanview using the same Lanczos filter, the result is better than IM.
I have tried all the other filter options.
Link to original image - Image
Link to irfanview result - Image
Link to IM result - Image

Has anybody else also faced similar issue? What should I do to resize without pixelating the image?


Re: Pixelation while downsizing

Posted: 2012-10-04T07:32:55-07:00
by slahoti
I actually figured this out.
IM by default is using a lower quality setting. Using irfanview I was resizing with quality = 100 and when I used '-quality 100' in resize command using IM I got the same result. :)