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Microscopy Image Stitching
Posted: 2012-10-21T21:58:31-07:00
by rtown12
I have a square array of approximately 400 images (200 x 200 images), and I am trying to stitch them together using ImageMagick. The images have a 10% overlap between each one. I simply want the output from two stitched images to be the single stitched image (no background, etc.).
I need help figuring out how to stitch two images together so that there is no space between them, but the overlap is not shown in the stitched images. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Re: Microscopy Image Stitching
Posted: 2012-10-22T00:05:29-07:00
by Bonzo
I would use a dedicated stiching program like Microsoft ICE or Hugin - both are free.
Re: Microscopy Image Stitching
Posted: 2012-10-22T09:56:17-07:00
by fmw42
Re: Microscopy Image Stitching
Posted: 2012-10-22T10:54:53-07:00
by NicolasRobidoux
nip2 and vips have been used to do this efficiently, e.g. ... ode26.html.
Re: Microscopy Image Stitching
Posted: 2012-12-04T17:45:42-07:00
by anthony
I wrote a simple stitcher for this type of thing (involving slightly overlapping maps) It is raw and kludgy, but I do use it...
It extracts smaller 'sample area' from one image, then tries to find those areas in another image. when I finds a match it outputs a 'merged' image. It will probbaly need adjustments for the sample areas, and match thresholds, but it is a start if you want to DIY it.
Perhaps Fred likes to see if he can improve it

Re: Microscopy Image Stitching
Posted: 2012-12-04T17:54:36-07:00
by fmw42
rtown12 wrote:Hello,
I have a square array of approximately 400 images (200 x 200 images), and I am trying to stitch them together using ImageMagick. The images have a 10% overlap between each one. I simply want the output from two stitched images to be the single stitched image (no background, etc.).
I need help figuring out how to stitch two images together so that there is no space between them, but the overlap is not shown in the stitched images. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
It would help if you could proved at least two overlapping images so that we can see what really are doing and need. You can post them to some free image hosting web site and then put a link to them here.