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install ImageMagick on Mac without porting
Posted: 2012-11-01T05:11:50-07:00
by TechnoPhil
i am trying to install IM on my Mac (10.8.2) without porting programs!
How can i do that? Anyone can help me?

Re: install ImageMagick on Mac without porting
Posted: 2012-11-01T11:47:26-07:00
by fmw42
TechnoPhil wrote:Hi,
i am trying to install IM on my Mac (10.8.2) without porting programs!
How can i do that? Anyone can help me?

What do you mean by "without porting programs"? Do you mean without MacPorts or FINK?
If you want to install IM, then the easiest way is to install the Mac Binary for Mountain Lion. see ... php#macosx and download the binary and follow the instructions below the binary. Ignore the part above the binary for MacPorts.
You can also install IM manually from source, but then you have to manually install all the delegate libraries that you might want, such as for tiff, jpg, png. Then install IM afterwards. See ... .html#unix ... lation.php
Re: install ImageMagick on Mac without porting
Posted: 2012-11-01T13:15:38-07:00
by TechnoPhil
Yes, i mean without MacPorts!
Now i have on my home directory the ImageMagick folder.
I can see the instruction but i can't understand what "MAGICK_HOME" and "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" environment variables are!
I know that on Mac OS, bin executables are in /usr/bin

Re: install ImageMagick on Mac without porting
Posted: 2012-11-01T13:53:16-07:00
by fmw42
IM might be installed at /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin. My install from source goes to the latter.
I cannot explain the export commands. I would just do what the instructions say. see ... nvironment
By the way, be sure you have X11 installed. It is usually on the Install disk or you can search for it at
Re: install ImageMagick on Mac without porting
Posted: 2012-11-03T00:55:33-07:00
by TechnoPhil
This can help someone:
curl -O ... 2.0.tar.gz
tar xvfz ImageMagick-x86_64-apple-darwin12.2.0.tar.gz
sudo cp -rf ImageMagick-6.8.0/ /usr/local/
Remember to download the last version of ImageMagick "apple-darwin"
I discovered that MacPorts or other porting programs are the better way to install ImageMagick because many dependancies are needed!