Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
just want to know differences and some example into using <-options> and <options:> with convert
for example using -label and label: or other options
i'm using windows
i think, in this case, that -label requires an existing image to be applied to. and label: can draw text into a new image, but i'm not sure about this....
-option means a operation or setting that is to be either stored for later use or applied to images already in memory.
option: is a image file format or coder, which is used to generate/read/write images.
For writing a coder must be used with a -write operation, OR is an implied write operation such as the last argument of a "convert" command.
So -label adds some label meta-data to any image that is later read in (use -set label to add it to images in memory). While label: actually creates an image from the given 'text' argument (text to image conversion). They are very different things.
NOTE: label: is a read-only coder, you can not write to a label: image file format.