Questions and postings pertaining to the development of ImageMagick, feature enhancements, and ImageMagick internals. ImageMagick source code and algorithms are discussed here. Usage questions which are too arcane for the normal user list should also be posted here.
CZIM is a Windows interface for Image Magick combined with CombineZ. Most of the functionality of IM is included, there are various graphical tools to simplify parameter entry, and results are displayed on screen. It is not a command line program.
I have put together a web page which is an introduction to the program, and contains a download link if you think you would like to give it a try, and tell me what you think:-
After unzipping, I find I have no privileges over the files. I'm not allowed to move or delete them. I need to be admin to move them.
I try running czim from a different directory. It complains it can't find an IM DLL file, but I know it is there. It seems I need to add the IM directory to my path (which I don't normally do).
So I add the IM directory to my path. Try running czim again. It starts to show the window as shown on the web site, but then I get a pop-up message: "CZIM.exe has stopped working".
I try again, this time from the IM directory. Same problem.
I have removed all mention of IM from my environment variables and the program still runs on my PC.
I tried running from a different folder and I get the symptoms you describe, so the bottom line would seem to be CZIM needs to be in the same folder as the IM DLL files.
Does anyone know a way to circumvent the privaliges problem?