I'm trying to adapt the following sample coming from the official documentation :
convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue -fill white -stroke black \
-draw "circle 50,30 40,10" draw_circle.gif
I'm trying to adapt it in VBSCRIPT as follow :
Set IMimg = CreateObject("ImageMagickObject.MagickImage.1")
IMimg.Convert "-size", "100x60", "xc:skyblue" ,"-fill", "white", "-draw", "'", "circle", "50,30", "40,10", "'", "c:\mytestfolder\draw_circle.gif"
Set IMimg= nothing
My image remains in Skyblue, but noting is DRAWN over it.
What is wrong in my syntax ?
Thank you very much ! I'm stuck
Draw a primitive with OLE Object VBSCRIPT
Re: Draw a primitive with OLE Object VBSCRIPT
Shouldn't the draw be:
- "-draw", "circle 50,30, 40,10", "c:\mytestfolder\draw_circle.gif"
Re: Draw a primitive with OLE Object VBSCRIPT
THANK you very much !magick wrote:Shouldn't the draw be:
- "-draw", "circle 50,30, 40,10", "c:\mytestfolder\draw_circle.gif"
I had tried a lot of combinations, but not this one !
It works perfectly, you're right.
No need to use commas.

So again THANK you a lot !