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Posted: 2013-04-04T09:44:43-07:00
by vamba
Is there an option (or any tricks) to have display command showing the images in a fullscreen (not in a window)?
thank you
Re: fullscreen
Posted: 2013-04-04T18:20:13-07:00
by anthony
I would have thought that a -geometry setting to display would override 'size to fit image'...
For example this fails....
Code: Select all
#First get the display width and height as shell variables.
eval `xrdb -symbols -screen | sed -n '/^-D\(WIDTH\|HEIGHT\)/{s/-D/X_/gp;}'`
#now try to display the small "rose" image in a full screen window
display -geometry ${X_WIDTH}x${X_HEIGHT} rose:
It flashes to full screen but then its window is sized to fit image!
I am not certain if I would consider this a bug or a feature, but without some means to telling display NOT to auto-size (or perhaps to never auto-shrink) the window, I would say a that it is a bug.
PS: to turn off menus, add -immutable so the image being displayed is marked as being 'read only'.
PPS: there are lots of other display programs than may be more suitable, some of which can be (partially) remotely controlled by wrapper shell scripts. My collected notes on these programs, pros and cons, is in ... ontrol.txt
Re: fullscreen
Posted: 2013-04-06T00:18:51-07:00
by vamba
Antony thank you for your answer.
Ok, let me tell you what i'm going to do.
I want to start a fullscreen slideshow every time I power on my box (Wheezy + xfce + autologin), in a very simple way.
If I understand there is no way to do it with "display" or "animate". I give a chance to "feh", but I am in trouble with autostart "feh". it works from a terminal window but not from autostart.
Any suggestion?
Thank you
Re: fullscreen
Posted: 2013-04-07T19:04:43-07:00
by anthony
Not feh is not an animator, just another image displayer.
Also using autostart is outside the scope of the forum..
I myself avoid autostart preferring (as a scripting programmer) to lauch everything from a 'session shell script'.

Re: fullscreen
Posted: 2013-04-08T09:30:16-07:00
by vamba
that's off topic, but I solved autologin and autostart and now "feh" is working.
I think "display" or "animate" could be better but they lack of "fullscreen" :-/
Anyway, if i'm not so out, could you suggest any other programs (animator or displayer) that could do the job?
thank you
Re: fullscreen
Posted: 2013-04-08T09:49:19-07:00
by snibgo
Many years ago, I made a captive slideshow using AS (ActionScript) under Windows. The logged-in user had no capability to do anything else.