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[SOLVED] troubles rotating a square image
Posted: 2013-05-16T11:50:00-07:00
by holden
Hey all, I'm having issues rotating a perfectly square image to be composited onto a non-square surface- it doesn't want to rotate.
Code: Select all
convert -size 2100x1500 xc:white ( square.jpg -rotate 90 -resize x1350 -gravity center ) -composite foo.jpg
I've tried relocating the -rotate command to before and after gravity center and it still won't rotate (non-square images do though). Currently the only fix is to -rotate 90 before and after the -composite, which will over complicate things for me later on. Thanks!
Re: troubles rotating a square image
Posted: 2013-05-16T12:04:56-07:00
by fmw42
convert -size 2100x1500 xc:white ( square.jpg -rotate 90 -resize x1350 ) -gravity center -composite foo.jpg
What version of IM are you using and what platform. In unix parenthesis must be escaped as \( square.jpg -rotate 90 -resize x1350 \). In windows, that is not necessary. But there is a windows convert command also. So you must be sure you are using the IM convert
Re: troubles rotating a square image
Posted: 2013-05-16T12:14:38-07:00
by holden
That is not working either- using IM
I'm on windows, but have yet to come across an issue with the convert command

. I've had success with non-square images using this code, just a perfectly square image (362x362 in this case) doesn't want to rotate.
*edit* OK, now sans rotate it works. And it works in general - I am auto generating command files, I wonder if a space somewhere would mess things up. Thanks again IM team.
Re: [SOLVED] troubles rotating a square image
Posted: 2013-05-16T12:32:29-07:00
by fmw42
parenthesis must have spaces between them and the text commands