Memory limit not set - using the maximum available memory
Posted: 2013-06-10T01:19:03-07:00
I'm trying to limit the memory used with the command.
I've tried different limits, explained here: ... .php#limit, for example or similar. But in my hosting it always get the maximum available memory (512MB). I have changed this maximum to 1024MB and it gets it all as well. So, it's not a problem of memory, I think, it's like the limit is not being set properly...
The process only gets 14 images (1MB each) and ensamble to a single pdf file. Simple process.... but not possible to do it in production in my server... by now
I've also tried memory and map limits with 0 (suggested here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=23280&p=99486),, in order to avoid the memory cache and delegate everything to the disk cache, but everything works the same way, my hosting says I've arrived to the maximum available memory and consequent errors happen (R14, heroku - ... a_exceeded)
The heroku support team says the problem comes from the library, not from the server...
Thanks again in advance and thanks for the great tool.
Code: Select all
I've tried different limits, explained here: ... .php#limit, for example
Code: Select all
-limit memory 32MiB -limit area 64MiB
The process only gets 14 images (1MB each) and ensamble to a single pdf file. Simple process.... but not possible to do it in production in my server... by now

I've also tried memory and map limits with 0 (suggested here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=23280&p=99486),
Code: Select all
-limit memory 0 -limit area 0
The heroku support team says the problem comes from the library, not from the server...
Thanks again in advance and thanks for the great tool.