Border not smooth after doing various manipulation
Posted: 2013-06-11T02:11:48-07:00
Hi All,
I had to distort the following image to make it look like a magazine cover. However after doing the manipulation, the image has got some very bad edges on the top.
Could anyone of you please help me in getting rid of it.
My actual image is -

My Commands are -
My resultant image is
I am using it on windows.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
I had to distort the following image to make it look like a magazine cover. However after doing the manipulation, the image has got some very bad edges on the top.
Could anyone of you please help me in getting rid of it.
My actual image is -
My Commands are -
- convert magCover2.jpg -alpha on -virtual-pixel transparent ( +clone -flip -channel A -evaluate multiply .35 +channel ) -append +distort Perspective "0,0,0,91 0,814,0,724 600,814,600,814 600,0,600,0" -gravity North -crop "600x1628+0-5^!" -background none -compose Over -flatten -transparent white reflect_distort.png
- convert reflect_distort.png -alpha on -virtual-pixel transparent -antialias -resize "215x800^!" test123.png
- convert blank.png -alpha on -virtual-pixel transparent -antialias -page +2+2 test123.png -layers flatten -transparent white part1.png
- convert part1.png -alpha on -virtual-pixel transparent -antialias -page +0+2 spineshadow.png -layers flatten -transparent white flatten_canvas.png
My resultant image is
I am using it on windows.
Any help will be highly appreciated.