I was initially running Ubuntu 9.04 and whatever version of imagemagick was available at the time. I recently upgraded to ubuntu 12.04 and I also updated imagemagick to 6.8.5-4 (because the particular web application I'm using it with produces pixelated text in the output file [pdf] and I thought an upgrade might fix that). The text on the front end of the application is now being cut off on the right side. If someone could let me know how to determine which version I was running before so I can revert or (preferably) if someone could tell me how to fix the issue with the current version of imagemagick?
Here is an image of the issue:

Code: Select all
$width = 250;//$_POST[width];
$height = 100;//$_POST[height];
$name = rand().'.png';
$image = 'fonts/'.$name;
$w = $width + 100;
$h = $height + 100;
exec(IMAGEMAGICKPATH.' -trim -background transparent -depth 8 +antialias -font "'.$font.'" -fill #"'.$color.'" -size "'.$w.'"x"'.$h.'" label:"'.$text.'" "'.$image.'"');
exec(IMAGEMAGICKPATH.' "'.$image.'" -resize "'.$width.'"x"'.$height.'" -quality 100 "'.$image.'"');