I'm in a strange problem. I'm trying to export brytum gantt chart in pdf/png.
I'm about to complete the export, but a strange problem i'm facing.
Code: Select all
$imgkOut = array();
//run imagemagick merging separate png's into one pdf or png depending on the file format
if ($fileFormat == 'pdf'){
$cmd = $imgkPath.'convert '.$pdfs.' "'.$outputPath.'/'.$out.'"';
} else {
$cmd = $imgkPath.'montage -mode concatenate -tile 1x '.$pdfs.' "'.$outputPath.'/'.$out.'"';
exec($cmd, $imgkOut);
here, in the exec function command is not executing successfully.
I've got the value of $cmd which is : convert D:\PHP\xampp\htdocs\export/print-1378204549859.png D:\PHP\xampp\htdocs\export/print-1378204550271.png "D:\PHP\xampp\htdocs\export/complete-exportedPanel0.634509001378204542.pdf"
If i run this command from command prompt, then the command is executing successfully, even it is write a block of code in another php file like :
Code: Select all
$imgkOut = array();
$cmd = 'convert D:\PHP\xampp\htdocs\export/print-1378204549859.png D:\PHP\xampp\htdocs\export/print-1378204550271.png "D:\PHP\xampp\htdocs\export/complete-exportedPanel0.634509001378204542.pdf"';
$imgkOut = exec($cmd);
I've no idea, why this is not working under the project. But i'm getting the same value in $cmd variable.
Please help me someone. This strange problem is ruining my all day long. Sorry for my bad english
