How to indent text?
Posted: 2013-09-21T18:53:12-07:00
Hi everyone.
I am using IM ImageMagick-6.8.3-Q16 CLI via Macro Scheduler to create thousands of web buttons. The following code works perfectly, except I want to move the text 4 pixels to the right, so it isn't justified up against the left edge. How would I do this, please?
Without the Macro Scheduler code :
convert -background yellow -fill black -size 495x35 -pointsize 31 -gravity west -font Arial-Bold label:TEST 2013-test-yellow2.gif
With the Macro Scheduler code :
run program>"%IMexepath%\convert" -background yellow -fill black -size 495x35 -pointsize 31 -gravity west -font Arial-Bold label:TEST %IMdocpath%\2013-test-yellow2.gif
Many thanks in advance, and thank you for an amazing program!
I am using IM ImageMagick-6.8.3-Q16 CLI via Macro Scheduler to create thousands of web buttons. The following code works perfectly, except I want to move the text 4 pixels to the right, so it isn't justified up against the left edge. How would I do this, please?
Without the Macro Scheduler code :
convert -background yellow -fill black -size 495x35 -pointsize 31 -gravity west -font Arial-Bold label:TEST 2013-test-yellow2.gif
With the Macro Scheduler code :
run program>"%IMexepath%\convert" -background yellow -fill black -size 495x35 -pointsize 31 -gravity west -font Arial-Bold label:TEST %IMdocpath%\2013-test-yellow2.gif
Many thanks in advance, and thank you for an amazing program!