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Convert png over jpg weird problem. - SOLVED!!
Posted: 2013-10-08T09:21:17-07:00
by Cutee
Hi, and 1st of all thanks for the great tools!
I have weird problem when trying to convert .png to .jpg
.png has 1536 x 2259 resolution
.jpg has 1190x1750 resolution
Its a comic strip that im trying to get in one .jpg file so i can create a pdf for my kid to read with tablet.
When i convert with
convert 1.jpg ( -transparent white 2.png ) -composite -quality 100 new.jpg result is this:
How i can get that resized / converted that the text would fit right place at those bubbles?
Sorry if this has been here for over and over again but couldnt find anything that would solve this with search.
Source files:
Re: Convert png over jpg weird problem.
Posted: 2013-10-08T09:47:07-07:00
by snibgo
"-transparent white" should be after the image has been read, not before.
If you can provide both the source files, someone might work out a command that does the job.
Re: Convert png over jpg weird problem.
Posted: 2013-10-08T09:53:21-07:00
by Cutee
snibgo wrote:"-transparent white" should be after the image has been read, not before.
If you can provide both the source files, someone might work out a command that does the job.
Source files added to post.
Re: Convert png over jpg weird problem.
Posted: 2013-10-08T10:37:23-07:00
by fmw42
Disregard. I did not see you had added the images above.
Re: Convert png over jpg weird problem.
Posted: 2013-10-08T10:47:34-07:00
by fmw42
try this
unix syntax
convert 1.jpg \( 1.png -resize 1190x1750 \) -compose over -composite show:
windows syntax
convert 1.jpg ( 1.png -resize 1190x1750 ) -compose over -composite show:
Re: Convert png over jpg weird problem.
Posted: 2013-10-08T10:55:13-07:00
by Cutee
fmw42 wrote:try this
unix syntax
convert 1.jpg \( 1.png -resize 1190x1750 \) -compose over -composite show:
windows syntax
convert 1.jpg ( 1.png -resize 1190x1750 ) -compose over -composite show:
Nice that worked! tho it give some weird error? or so on it but it crated a .jpg with those on it!

"error" was:
convert 1.jpg ( 1.png -resize 1190x1750 ) -compose over -composite show: 666.jpg convert.exe: no decode delegate for this image format `' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/552.
Re: Convert png over jpg weird problem.
Posted: 2013-10-08T11:01:03-07:00
by snibgo
"show:" doesn't work on Windows. Just use something like:
Code: Select all
convert 1.jpg ( 1.png -resize 1190x1750 ) -compose over -composite out.png
... then type "out.png" to view the result.
Re: Convert png over jpg weird problem.
Posted: 2013-10-08T11:03:40-07:00
by Cutee
snibgo wrote:"show:" doesn't work on Windows. Just use something like:
Code: Select all
convert 1.jpg ( 1.png -resize 1190x1750 ) -compose over -composite out.png
... then type "out.png" to view the result.
OK thanks! that was it

.. damn i feel stupid with these machines and software so thanks once more for your patience.
Re: Convert png over jpg weird problem.
Posted: 2013-10-08T11:19:30-07:00
by fmw42
sorry, I forgot to replace the show with a real output image.