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Convert tall image into a small with effect
Posted: 2013-10-23T21:04:10-07:00
by semptrion
Hi, I have a tall image and I need to convert into a small copyng the top and the base and putting an effect of break image, preserving top and bottom of image.
(Sorry for my English... but an image is like a thousand of words)

Thanks in advance
Re: Convert tall image into a small with effect
Posted: 2013-10-23T21:13:41-07:00
by fmw42
You need to do something like:
1) crop the top and bottom parts (-crop)
2) make a mask with the jagged outline on the top and another for the bottom (-draw)
3) composite each mask with the image with a transparent background (-compose ... -composite)
4) add shadows and possibly transparent borders (-shadow, -splice)
5) append the images (-append)
variations of order and other commands may produce the same kind of results.
see ... ptions.php
Please identify your version of IM and platform.
If you need further help, please supply a separate image for the input (not a combination of the two in one image)
Re: Convert tall image into a small with effect
Posted: 2013-10-24T08:46:46-07:00
by snibgo
It's an interesting example of combining a number of processes towards a single effect. Here's a Windows script that follows fmw42's steps, though not exactly. It creates sample.png, but this might be a page scan or whatever, then applies the processes, resulting in cutout_shad.png. All the convert commands could be combined into one, without all the intermediate files.
Code: Select all
%IM%convert -size 1000x6000 gradient:red-blue sample.png
%IM%convert ^
-size 1000x100 xc: ^
-draw "path 'M0,50 L333,99 L666,0 L999,50 L999,99 L0,99 Z'" ^
%IM%convert ^
sample.png ^
( -clone 0 -gravity North -crop 1000x200+0+0 +repage -write cutout_Top.png ) ^
( -clone 0 -gravity South -crop 1000x200+0+0 +repage -write cutout_Bottom.png ) ^
%IM%convert ^
cutout_Bottom.png ^
( +clone -fill Black -colorize 100 cutout_mask.png -negate -gravity North -composite ) ^
-alpha off ^
-compose CopyOpacity -composite ^
%IM%convert ^
cutout_Top.png ^
( +clone -fill White -colorize 100 cutout_mask.png -gravity South -composite ) ^
-alpha off ^
-compose CopyOpacity -composite ^
%IM%convert ^
cutout_Top_cut.png ^
( cutout_Bottom_cut.png -repage +0+150 ) ^
-background None -layers Merge ^
%IM%convert ^
cutout.png ^
( +clone -background Black -shadow 80x2+12+12 ) ^
-background None ^
+swap -layers Merge +repage ^