fmw42 wrote:Just to be sure everything is OK, what do you get returned from
convert -version
ym@YMEmergency:~/Downloads$ convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.8.7-1 2013-10-20 Q32
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2013 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: DPC OpenMP
Delegates: openexr tiff x zlib
fmw42 wrote:
I don't believe that IM supports the full EXR format, only the "half" (16-bit) format. If that has changed, I am unaware of it. So perhaps try leaving off -depth 32. If that fails, try with Q16 HDRI.
Hmm, if that's true there might not be any point in what I'm trying to do. My friend already has a 16bit version of the image (which is a heightmap) imported into Blender but the only way to import a 32bit heightmap in Blender is apparently using EXR. The current heightmap is annoyingly jagged which is why he'd like a 32 bit one.
fmw42 wrote:
Is the tif file signed 32-bits? If so add -define quantum:format=signed
I'm not sure, but I tried adding that and got the same error message.
fmw42 wrote:
I have not done your conversion before at Q32, so cannot say if there is a bug or limitation. I usually use Q16 HDRI. But see
At Q16 HDRI, this works
imh convert rose: -evaluate multiply 10 -define quantum:format=floating-point rose.tif
imh convert rose.tif rose.exr
These don't work, I still get the exact same error.
fmw42 wrote:
So, try just
convert image.tiff image.exr
convert image.tiff -depth 16 image.exr
Still no joy
fmw42 wrote:
and see what happens, since I think one usually only needs the -define when writing to tif.
Yeah, that would make sense actually. I have no idea what I'm doing.
As best as I can tell the error is from within libtiff. Maybe what I'm trying to do isn't possible.