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how to -draw text and -shadow it?

Posted: 2013-12-31T06:28:30-07:00
by silversonicaxel
Hi guys,
I'm printing some text on an image with convert and I would like to decorate the text with a black shadow, I'm trying -blur or -gaussian but i cannot apply to the text, it is applied to the background image.
i need to use -draw command and not -annotate
and this is the code I need to update for shadowing

Code: Select all

-font "geometricslab703bt-bold-webfont.ttf" -fill White -pointsize 18 -draw "rotate -4 text 350,250 '---- mijn ideale ----'" 
thanks in advance

Re: how to -draw text and -shadow it?

Posted: 2013-12-31T09:26:27-07:00
by snibgo
It could be something like this Windows script.

Code: Select all

convert ^
  -size 600x400 ^
  xc:none ^
  -fill white ^
  -draw "rotate -4 text 350,250 '---- mijm ideale ----'" ^
  ( +clone -background black -shadow 100x3+5+5 ) ^
  +swap ^
  -background pink ^
  -layers merge  ^
I have flattened against a pink background so we can see the white letters.