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how to -draw text with special character -like ë- ?

Posted: 2014-01-02T01:51:38-07:00
by silversonicaxel
Hi guys,
I would like to draw some special characters on my image, but the letter ë in Azië is represented with wrong coded characters.
actually i wrote my script on a *.bat UTF8 encoded file.
Is there a way to solve it?

this is my example code:

Code: Select all

-draw "rotate -4 text 385,335 'Azië'"
thanks in advance

Re: how to -draw text with special character -like ë- ?

Posted: 2014-01-02T08:50:33-07:00
by snibgo
In Windows 8.1 we can just paste the command with UTF into the command line. Hoorah. At long last, Microsoft is getting somewhere near the 21st century.

But their BAT processing is stuck in the 1970s. The IM commands "annotate" and "caption" can take text from a file. So can "draw", but it has to be the entire draw options.

So, paste this into Notepad:

Code: Select all

rotate -4 text 385,335 'Azië'
Save as anything.txt in normal (ANSI) encoding.
Now issue the command from the command window or bat file, eg:

Code: Select all

convert -size 400x400 xc: -fill black -pointsize 20 -draw @anything.txt r.png