ImageMagickObject - compare - how to get pics difference in
Posted: 2014-01-06T13:39:56-07:00
Hi All.
I'm trying to get pics difference in %. I tried to use ImageMagickObject.dll within AutoIt language.
I can share code, but not sure it will be useful, so I'll just mention which function & parameters I use:
Function - Compare
Parameters: "-metric" = "MAE"
2 bmp images for comparison (640x480)
destination of comparison = "null:" (I don't need one more image - just % of source images distortion)
"Compare" itself works well, but returns empty string.
I make few series of compare operations & then terminate my program - at this moment my debug console gets a load of strings from ImageMagickObject.dll:
+>00:19:55 AU3Check ended.rc:0
>Running:( :\Program Files\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "D:\1\1.au3"
10.8064 (0.0423779)
10.8064 (0.0423779)
10.8064 (0.0423779)
+>00:19:58 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:0
+>00:19:59 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished
>Exit code: 0 Time: 4.167
Numbers like "10.8064 (0.0423779)" seem like what I need. They are greater when images are different & smaller when images are alike.
So the problem is that I can get them only after termination - not while script execution.
I tried to catch any events from dll & it's object inside my script, but it gave nothing.
I tried several cases with parameter "-format" - many of possible means mentioned here ( gave me real values during script execution, but "%[distortion]" gave empty string (may be that's not a result of operation, but parameter of compare execution).
I think I "cook" ImageMagickObject in a wrong way.
Grates to everyone who can offer solution in any programming language or helpful link.
I'm trying to get pics difference in %. I tried to use ImageMagickObject.dll within AutoIt language.
I can share code, but not sure it will be useful, so I'll just mention which function & parameters I use:
Function - Compare
Parameters: "-metric" = "MAE"
2 bmp images for comparison (640x480)
destination of comparison = "null:" (I don't need one more image - just % of source images distortion)
"Compare" itself works well, but returns empty string.
I make few series of compare operations & then terminate my program - at this moment my debug console gets a load of strings from ImageMagickObject.dll:
+>00:19:55 AU3Check ended.rc:0
>Running:( :\Program Files\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "D:\1\1.au3"
10.8064 (0.0423779)
10.8064 (0.0423779)
10.8064 (0.0423779)
+>00:19:58 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:0
+>00:19:59 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished
>Exit code: 0 Time: 4.167
Numbers like "10.8064 (0.0423779)" seem like what I need. They are greater when images are different & smaller when images are alike.
So the problem is that I can get them only after termination - not while script execution.
I tried to catch any events from dll & it's object inside my script, but it gave nothing.
I tried several cases with parameter "-format" - many of possible means mentioned here ( gave me real values during script execution, but "%[distortion]" gave empty string (may be that's not a result of operation, but parameter of compare execution).
I think I "cook" ImageMagickObject in a wrong way.
Grates to everyone who can offer solution in any programming language or helpful link.