'paste' an image over another + transparent
Posted: 2014-01-14T14:53:46-07:00
i must script a tool that takes some white symbols over an image:

I've post symbol and image here:
http://static.repubblica.it/laprovincia ... xx/fog.bmp
http://static.repubblica.it/laprovincia ... x/back.bmp
How i can join these 2 image, convert 'green' color in transparent, and obtain final image ?
(arrow show my final wish; green is converted in trasparent color)
thank you for any help,
i must script a tool that takes some white symbols over an image:

I've post symbol and image here:
http://static.repubblica.it/laprovincia ... xx/fog.bmp
http://static.repubblica.it/laprovincia ... x/back.bmp
How i can join these 2 image, convert 'green' color in transparent, and obtain final image ?
(arrow show my final wish; green is converted in trasparent color)
thank you for any help,