Do I need to install fonts to convert text in pdfs?

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Do I need to install fonts to convert text in pdfs?

Post by cylondude3 »

I'm playing around with some pdf's and there are some that don't have the text in the resulting images.

Two of these documents: ... FR2013.pdf ... entid=4935

I've done a little googling and it seems like I might need to get some support for new fonts. Here's the blog post that makes me thing that:

How do I go about getting the fonts I need and installing them on windows 8?

Thanks a bunch!
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Re: Do I need to install fonts to convert text in pdfs?

Post by snibgo »

CAFR2013.pdf converts for me without complaint. Every page has something on it. (IM 6.8.8-0 on Windows 8.1) Ghostscript has never told me it couldn't open a font.
snibgo's IM pages:
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