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Promote greys to cmyk black?

Posted: 2014-01-22T06:54:44-07:00
by cg433n
Is there a way to move all gray colors of a CMYK image (e.g. a cmyk .tiff) into the black (K) plate with Imagemagick?
(In Adobe Acrobat Pro, this functionality is labeled: "Promote grays to CMYK black")

Re: Promote greys to cmyk black?

Posted: 2014-01-22T07:01:16-07:00
by snibgo
Converting it to CMY than back to CMYK seems to do the trick.

Code: Select all

convert incmyk.tiff -colorspace CMY -colorspace CMYK outcmyk.tiff

Re: Promote greys to cmyk black?

Posted: 2014-01-22T16:05:29-07:00
by cg433n
While the command works, it looks like the colors of the result are significantly altered.
I'm trying separate the channels of an image like this: ... tetons.jpg,
so that all black and gray color data lies on one plate ... _black.jpg, thereby conserving for four color process newsprint printing.

Re: Promote greys to cmyk black?

Posted: 2014-01-22T18:23:28-07:00
by snibgo
The main image on your linked page is sRGB, not CMY or CMYK.

For printing, it's better to use profiles tuned to your printer/inks/paper.

Re: Promote greys to cmyk black?

Posted: 2014-01-23T04:10:32-07:00
by snibgo
Can you put up the source image and results? Put them somewhere like and paste the links here. Also say what version IM you are using, and the exact commands.