Speed up this script
Posted: 2014-01-28T14:15:39-07:00
try to speed up this DOS script,
this script is called from windows machine, from PHP. Last IM build used.
Script create BIG image, then resize for further step not mentioned here.
any way to join steps and speedup things ?
Thank you for any help,
try to speed up this DOS script,
Code: Select all
convert -density 300x300 -quality 100 -size 3000x3000 xc:White -gravity Center -font Amplitude-BlackMaiuscolo -weight 700 -pointsize 75 -annotate 0 "W Imagemagick" 10scritta_temp.png
convert 10scritta_temp.png -trim +repage -resize 1100x1100 20scritta.png
convert -size 1150x1150 xc:white -gravity center -draw "image over 0,0 0,0 '20scritta.png'" 30corpo.jpg
convert 30corpo.jpg -gravity South -background white -splice 0x1 -background black -splice 0x1 -trim +repage -chop 0x1 04fine.gif
Script create BIG image, then resize for further step not mentioned here.
any way to join steps and speedup things ?
Thank you for any help,