Suggestions for automating quick color correction
Posted: 2014-02-11T09:30:00-07:00
I'd like to add some quick, reliable color/contrast/brightness correction to a process that runs through many images for web use, without requiring input from me.
I have a batch file that runs IM to convert large numbers of files for a web site. I can do just about anything successfully that can be expressed mathematically- resize, convert formats, unsharp, etc. but there are two problems when it comes to color correction using PaintShop or similar. First, it requires me to open the file, click some stuff, save the file, etc- too time consuming considering the numbers of images. Second, I have a fairly severe red/green color vision deficiency. Even if I use the more sophisticated suggested settings, I'm worried that I'm making luridly weird images. Realizing that images are very different, I'd still much rather have IM do a basic but reliable job automagickally.
I'm getting images that are often taken with camera phones in less than ideal conditions, and even I can tell that many of them could benefit from some correction.
The main problem is backlit subjects: (generally swimmers either in pools or open water, cyclists against bright landscapes like mountain overlooks, and runners in weirdly-lit fieldhouses or shaded trails.)
Anyone have any suggestions that would make some improvement in just about any image? It doesn't have to be perfect, but even a 50% improvement would be helpful.
I'm trying -normalize and similar now, but obviously I'm not sure of my results.
Much thanks!
I have a batch file that runs IM to convert large numbers of files for a web site. I can do just about anything successfully that can be expressed mathematically- resize, convert formats, unsharp, etc. but there are two problems when it comes to color correction using PaintShop or similar. First, it requires me to open the file, click some stuff, save the file, etc- too time consuming considering the numbers of images. Second, I have a fairly severe red/green color vision deficiency. Even if I use the more sophisticated suggested settings, I'm worried that I'm making luridly weird images. Realizing that images are very different, I'd still much rather have IM do a basic but reliable job automagickally.
I'm getting images that are often taken with camera phones in less than ideal conditions, and even I can tell that many of them could benefit from some correction.
The main problem is backlit subjects: (generally swimmers either in pools or open water, cyclists against bright landscapes like mountain overlooks, and runners in weirdly-lit fieldhouses or shaded trails.)
Anyone have any suggestions that would make some improvement in just about any image? It doesn't have to be perfect, but even a 50% improvement would be helpful.
I'm trying -normalize and similar now, but obviously I'm not sure of my results.
Much thanks!