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Identify values between verbose and format

Posted: 2014-02-12T17:44:56-07:00
by blue-j
when i run this

Code: Select all

identify -format '%[standard-deviation]' image.jpg
i get a value of

but when i run

Code: Select all

identify -verbose image.jpg
i see in overall image statistics a standard deviation of 70.9422 (0.278205)

how can i get the value shown in the verbose output?

thanks so much!!


Re: Identify values between verbose and format

Posted: 2014-02-12T23:04:13-07:00
by snibgo
The first version converts the image to 16 bits/channel/pixel before the calculation.

You could:

Code: Select all

identify -format "%[fx:255*standard_deviation] (%[fx:standard_deviation])" x.jpg

Re: Identify values between verbose and format

Posted: 2014-02-13T18:10:31-07:00
by blue-j
thank you so much!!! : )