wrong colors applying watermark
Posted: 2014-02-21T06:48:28-07:00
we used ImageMagick in order to apply an image as watermark over a set of images (jpeg, png, ecc).
The watermark is 75% smaller than the original image.
Applying this image-watermark over some jpeg images, the colors of the image-result are different compared with the original image, also into the area outside of the watermark.
Why? How can we avoid to change colors?
We used the following command:
for /f %%A in ('convert %1 -ping -format "%%[fx:(h*0.75)/1637*100]" info:') do set y=%%A%%
composite -watermark 10%% -gravity center ( logo_opacita_50.png -resize %y% ) %1 newImg/%1
we used ImageMagick in order to apply an image as watermark over a set of images (jpeg, png, ecc).
The watermark is 75% smaller than the original image.
Applying this image-watermark over some jpeg images, the colors of the image-result are different compared with the original image, also into the area outside of the watermark.
Why? How can we avoid to change colors?
We used the following command:
for /f %%A in ('convert %1 -ping -format "%%[fx:(h*0.75)/1637*100]" info:') do set y=%%A%%
composite -watermark 10%% -gravity center ( logo_opacita_50.png -resize %y% ) %1 newImg/%1