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can not create hald-CLUT

Posted: 2014-02-25T03:45:05-07:00
by OsunSeyi
have the same problem like danielHeen had in this post:

Code: Select all

convert hald:8 hald.png
convert: no decode delegate for this image format `8' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/532.
convert: missing an image filename `hald.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2949.
So I tried (like in the post):

Code: Select all

convert -debug configure logo: null:
2014-02-25T11:38:28+01:00 0:00.020 0.000u 6.6.6 Configure convert[21099]: utility.c/ExpandFilenames/906/Configure
  Command line: convert {-debug} {configure} {logo:} {null:}
2014-02-25T11:38:28+01:00 0:00.020 0.000u 6.6.6 Configure convert[21099]: configure.c/GetConfigureOptions/564/Configure
  Searching for configure file: "/usr/share/ImageMagick-6.6.6/config/magic.xml"
2014-02-25T11:38:28+01:00 0:00.030 0.000u 6.6.6 Configure convert[21099]: configure.c/GetConfigureOptions/564/Configure
  Searching for configure file: "/usr/lib/ImageMagick-6.6.6/config/magic.xml"
2014-02-25T11:38:28+01:00 0:00.030 0.000u 6.6.6 Configure convert[21099]: configure.c/GetConfigureOptions/564/Configure
  Searching for configure file: "/usr/share/doc/ImageMagick-6.6.6/magic.xml"
2014-02-25T11:38:28+01:00 0:00.030 0.000u 6.6.6 Configure convert[21099]: configure.c/GetConfigureOptions/564/Configure
  Searching for configure file: "/usr/share/ImageMagick-6.6.6/magic.xml"
2014-02-25T11:38:28+01:00 0:00.030 0.000u 6.6.6 Configure convert[21099]: configure.c/GetConfigureOptions/564/Configure
  Searching for configure file: "/home/tom/.magick/magic.xml"
2014-02-25T11:38:28+01:00 0:00.030 0.000u 6.6.6 Configure convert[21099]: magic.c/LoadMagicList/678/Configure
  Loading magic configure file "/usr/share/ImageMagick-6.6.6/config/magic.xml" ...

ls -1  /usr/share/ImageMagick-6.6.6/config
Now danielHeen wrote in the post:
Found out my problem.
For some reason modules was disabled in my configuration. Enabled it and it now works
But I don't know, where the modules loaded are configured. When I try to use a downloaded CLUT, it does work with:
"convert TEST.png CLUT.png -hald-clut TEST-0.png"
..but of course the result is not correct. I just wanted to test it.

How can I create a CLUT on my system?


Edited 'coder.xml':

Code: Select all

  <coder magick="GIF87" name="GIF"/>
  <coder magick="JPG" name="JPEG"/>
  <coder magick="PGM" name="PNM"/>
without result (I'm guessing...)

Re: can not create hald-CLUT

Posted: 2014-02-25T10:53:53-07:00
by snibgo
You are using IM v6.6.6 which is many years old. I don't know when hald:{n} was introduced. I suggest you upgrade.

Re: can not create hald-CLUT

Posted: 2014-02-25T11:20:50-07:00
by fmw42
According to the changelog:

2009-06-07 6.5.3-4 Cristy <quetzlzacatenango@image...>
Added the HALD image Color LUT, and a no-op HALD: image generator. See Introduction at

Might you have several version of IM on your system? What do you get from

convert -version

If on Unix, what about

type -a convert

Re: can not create hald-CLUT

Posted: 2014-02-25T11:27:18-07:00
by OsunSeyi
Here I have:

Code: Select all

convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.6.6-10 2011-01-26 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2011 ImageMagick Studio LLC

type -a convert
convert is /usr/bin/convert

Re: can not create hald-CLUT

Posted: 2014-02-25T11:30:47-07:00
by fmw42
Can you upgrade? I suspect hald was not quite stable at it first release.

Re: can not create hald-CLUT

Posted: 2014-02-25T11:46:03-07:00
by OsunSeyi
I'm on Slackware and don't like to upgrade, because it is unfortunately not easy for me.
Hmm, sometimes, I like to be on Ubuntu...
Isn't it possible to create a CLUT on another system (linux) and use it?

I tested it on Dyne:bolic and Salix (both a view Years old) and there it' s also not working.

Re: can not create hald-CLUT

Posted: 2014-02-26T01:58:34-07:00
by OsunSeyi
Created a CLUT on a brandnew Linux-Mint (thanks to my neighbor) and it seems to work here.
Used 'as is' the result doesn't show differences to the original, used with +50% saturation made with 'xv' the result is a little darker than editing the original the same way. But I think I can use it this way! 8)