Morph tool, create filler frames of original images
Posted: 2014-02-27T08:28:26-07:00
Hey all, I'm hoping to get some help on a script we've put together to process a handful of images into a video.
We are using the -morph command to generate transition images from a handful of base frames and it's working a treat. However we now want it to also duplicate the original frames so the video we create with ffmpeg 'holds' on the main images before running the next transition. I've pasted our command below and any insight on how I'd get IM to do this would be amazing.
It may be worth mentioning we're running this from PHP exec
Also like to say thanks to this community, I've ended up in various threads finding solutions while we've been developing this app and it's been invaluable. Hopefully I can give back when my IM knowledge is a bit better.
We are using the -morph command to generate transition images from a handful of base frames and it's working a treat. However we now want it to also duplicate the original frames so the video we create with ffmpeg 'holds' on the main images before running the next transition. I've pasted our command below and any insight on how I'd get IM to do this would be amazing.
It may be worth mentioning we're running this from PHP exec

Code: Select all
convert -quality 100 temp/production/images/raw/uid.*.png -delay 2 -morph 12 temp/production/images/processed/uid.%05d.png