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Simple import usage

Posted: 2014-03-06T12:03:28-07:00
by Lord Asriel
I fail to use the import program.
I use [installdir]\import -screen -window root xxz.png

Sometimes I omit -screen, sometimes -window root, sometimes both. On every case, all of the instructions appear on the command line, and no image is saved anywhere. Am I doing something wrong?

Re: Simple import usage

Posted: 2014-03-06T12:13:01-07:00
by snibgo
Is there an error message, before or after it lists the options? Something like:

Code: Select all

import.exe: DelegateLibrarySupportNotBuiltIn `' (X11) @ error/import.c/ImportImageCommand/1299.
If you get that message, and aren't running X11, that's the problem.

Re: Simple import usage

Posted: 2014-03-06T14:39:36-07:00
by Lord Asriel
You got it right once again. X11? Where do I get it?
There seems to be an article in its a...GUI protocol? I'm getting quite confused.