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Resize TIFF for printing

Posted: 2014-03-12T11:26:21-07:00
by plustech
Environment: Windows XP 32-bit
ImageMagick file / version :

I have a tiff Image that has data stamped on it along the bottom edge. I am using a program to transform this TIFF into PCL (Not ImageMagick) and when it does, it put this data in the printer non-printable area. Technically this is correct.. it is rendering edge to edge just as it should. However, I need to get this data printed.

Is there a way to not only shrink the image so that data is not along that edge, but add some kind of boarder so my transform utility will include that white space?

I have tried a simple re-size and that doesn't work.

I have also tried using the ImageMagick utility to convert to PCL, however the printer just prints large black boxes. This is not so much of a problem as I have my own TIFF to PCL conversion utility, however, if this did work I could do everything with one command line.

Any help would be appreciated...

Re: Resize TIFF for printing

Posted: 2014-03-12T11:35:53-07:00
by fmw42
Can you post a link to an example tiff that shows your problem. I am not quite sure I follow. You can upload to (public folder) and put a link to it here.

Re: Resize TIFF for printing

Posted: 2014-03-13T08:51:22-07:00
by plustech
Here are the two files.

Each has a number along the edge in a place that laser printers usually can't print. I thought I would just need to shrink the image, but when the image is rendered from edge to edge, it still has data in the non-printable area. I really need to shrink it and keep the print area at 8.5 x 11 so there is a boarder of white pace around the edge.

Also, if anyone has any ideas about the ImageMagick PCL conversion printing out black boxes, I would appreciate it. I found some notes on bugs that were fixed and eliminating the compression, but non of that seems to be the issue here.

This product toolkit has so much in it, and I am such a noob at working with images, I have no idea what I am looking for or even if it exists.

Re: Resize TIFF for printing

Posted: 2014-03-13T09:22:16-07:00
by snibgo
Perhaps it would be better to add a white border:

Code: Select all

convert 5.tif -bordercolor White -border 10% 5a.tif