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Features of Windows GUI for ImageMagick?

Posted: 2014-03-14T17:14:39-07:00
by ben_myers
I just installed Imagemagic 6.8.8-16 static version on my Windows XP system. The user interface for IMDisplay does not contain any menu choices to do the long list of tasks described on the web site. The Transform menu drop-down has only a few of the advertised capabilities: Crop, Chop, Flip, Flop, Rotate Right, Rotate Left, Rotate..., Shear..., Roll... and Trim Edges. And that is the only menu choice that allows me to manipulate the image. The install completed without error and the ImageMagic executables are added to the system PATH. What am I missing here? Or is something missing from the file I downloaded? I am confused... Ben Myers :(

Re: Features of Windows GUI for ImageMagick?

Posted: 2014-03-14T17:58:58-07:00
by fmw42
IM is primarily a command line tool. You need to type commands in a terminal. For unix, there is a modest X11 GUI associate with the display command. I do not know what Windows provides in the way of a GUI. The other way is to use the web based version of IM in your browser. See ... Studio.cgi

Re: Features of Windows GUI for ImageMagick?

Posted: 2014-03-15T02:30:54-07:00
by Bonzo
There have been a couple od Windows GUI that have died. There used to be an implementation in NIP2 and a user here was building a version for Windows 64 bit BUT they are still not totally GUI as you need to input commands. You can search the forum for posts by Alan Hadley and see if you can find the link to his software.

Re: Features of Windows GUI for ImageMagick?

Posted: 2014-03-30T01:12:05-07:00
by NicolasRobidoux
The NIP2 GUI to ImageMagick ... -nip2.html is now part of the stable releases of NIP2.
Basically, what John Cupitt did is add a few operations, put them in a menu ... n-726.html and give clear instructions as to how to add more.
What's now needed to add more operations is someone who will manually link the parameters of ImageMagick commands to such templates. No one has volunteered yet.

Re: Features of Windows GUI for ImageMagick?

Posted: 2014-03-31T07:51:29-07:00
by snibgo
NIP2: cool!

For those who (like me) didn't know about this: in an ordinary spreadsheet we can define cells as formulae applied to other cells. Change one cell, hit "recalculate", and all cells are updated to reflect the change. NIP2 does this but operates on images instead of numbers, so each cell has an image, calculated from other images. Like I say, cool.

If/when IM operations are implemented, any complex IM command could be built in a worksheet by selecting menu options and ticking any required boxes.

NIP2 has a large number of operations built-in. In principle, it could implement all ImageMagick features such as "-composite" and "-morphology". Adding IM features to filters.def is fairly simple. Today I have implemented gamma, colors, auto-gamma, auto-level, negate, normalize and blur, with options for channels and virtual-pixel.

All of the options that can affect an operation are shown to the user. For example, when applying "-gamma", the user would see an option to specify the channels.

Implementing the complete set of IM operations would take a larger effort.

Re: Features of Windows GUI for ImageMagick?

Posted: 2014-04-01T12:34:37-07:00
by snibgo
I've responded to John's old blog post, but he may never see it.

I have edited my copy of filter.def to incorporate menu items for IM operations: no-op, autogamma, autolevel, border, colorize, blur, colors, despeckle, equalize, gamma, magnify, monochrome, negate, normalize, resize, paint, polaroid, posterize, rotate, radial blur (but I have called it "rotational blur"), sigmoid, solarize, threshold, tint, transpose, transverse, flip, flop, trim, unique-colors.

I have also implemented drop-downs for compose, dither, channels, modulate colorspace, statistic type, virtual pixel; and made minor corrections to Geometry_widget and Alpha.

My edits are not fully tested.

I've only spent a couple of days on this, but I don't want to replicate effort if you know of someone else working on this.

I don't know how far I want to take this. Interfacing to all IM command options would be difficult but many are quite easy and I'd like to do them (subject to other constraints on my time).

I have published my filters.def at . My email is in that file. Feel free to incorporate my changes in the standard distribution. If anyone would like them in a different format, let me know, but I'm not a programmer so tools like diff and cvs confuse the heck out of me.

Re: Features of Windows GUI for ImageMagick?

Posted: 2014-04-02T01:08:43-07:00
by jcupitt
John here, I've pasted this new, much better menu into nip2 master, it seems to work well: ... e90b51c1cd

It ought to be in the next version, due out in a month or two. Thanks snibgo and Nicolas for this!

Re: Features of Windows GUI for ImageMagick?

Posted: 2014-04-02T01:31:34-07:00
by snibgo
Thanks to you, John for such a great system. Interfacing with it is really simple. As I said in my email, it is awesome to push a slider and see my image updating in real time.

I haven't figured out how to call ImageMagick wth 2 or 3 input files. In _stdenv.def, I created a 2-file variant of magick_command, and that seems to work, but for system_image I think I need variant of im_system_image that can take multiple inputs, and I guess that's a C-language function. Still, if all else fails, I should read the manuals.

Re: Features of Windows GUI for ImageMagick?

Posted: 2014-04-02T14:41:12-07:00
by NicolasRobidoux