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Can I turn the result of crop into a sequence?

Posted: 2014-03-23T08:19:11-07:00
by jack-mann

Code: Select all

convert img.png -crop 1000x1000 -set "filename:t" "%[fx:page.y/256]" +repage +adjoin cropped_%[filename:t].png 
I would like to do some work after the first crop maybe another crop so I would like use something like

Code: Select all

convert img.png -crop 1000x1000 -set "filename:t" "%[fx:page.y/256]" +repage +adjoin -write cropped_%[filename:t].png -crop 256x256 
 -set "filename:x" "%[fx:page.x/256]" +repage +adjoin tile_%[filename:x]_%[filename:t].png
But I cannot get this working so I am assuming the result of a crop is not a sequence?

Re: Can I turn the result of crop into a sequence?

Posted: 2014-03-23T08:49:17-07:00
by Bonzo
I would guess you are confusing Imagemagick and at least need some ( ) in your code somewhere.
I would start out with something simple first with fixed values and a couple of crops and then when it works build up to using fx and tiles.

Re: Can I turn the result of crop into a sequence?

Posted: 2014-03-23T09:37:34-07:00
by jack-mann
yep your right I did as you said and got the code to work.