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On cache limits are global...

Posted: 2014-03-27T22:26:15-07:00
by jack-mann
Note, the cache limits are global, meaning if you create several images, the combined resource requirements are compared to the limit to determine the pixel cache storage disposition
Just want to double-check:
given following configuration:

Code: Select all

  <policy domain="resource" name="memory" value="256MiB"/>
  <policy domain="resource" name="area" value="256MB"/>
  <policy domain="resource" name="disk" value="1GiB"/>
If I do the following on the same machine at the same time in two different processes:

Code: Select all

convert a-256-MB.jpg         out1.png &
convert b-256-MB.jpg         out2.png &
then it will likely be that a-256-MB.jpg is converted fast in RAM but b-256-MB.jpg is converted slow using disc?

Re: On cache limits are global...

Posted: 2014-03-28T11:11:13-07:00
by snibgo
No. You are running convert twice. Each is separate to the other.

Re: On cache limits are global...

Posted: 2014-03-29T03:22:52-07:00
by jack-mann
well So each convert gets a pixel cache of 256MB. Thank you for making it clear.