Mogrify.exe process does nothing, ends up unkillable.
Mogrify.exe process does nothing, ends up unkillable.
Bit of an issue, I was introduced to IM through Lr/Mogrify2, a Lightroom Mogrify plugin which I used happily for years to put borders on things and other such trite, sadly over the last few months Lr/Mogrify stopped working outright for me, I chased it down to the Mogrify.exe: In short the mogrify.exe doesn't appear to do anything on my machine (despite being re-installed three times, along with C++ redistributes). I've spent the last evening trying to get it to resize one file as a test, but all it does is print a window that shows the process it's undergoing, closes that window then the hangs the command window I launched it from. I now have a list of about 20 mogrify.exe processes in my task manager, all of which are unkillable (won't respond to end process). While I'm computer savvy I'm certainly not a coder and command line interfaces are before my time, so I can't figure out how to get it to dump a nice clean error log for you guys but if this sounds familiar to anybody please help me out. LrMogrify2 was a very useful tool.