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EXR bounding box and convert hang

Posted: 2014-04-01T04:09:47-07:00
by timurhai
I have convert tool hang operating with EXR which bounding box is larger than resolution.
Process (convert) just hangs event if i only want to "-identify -verbose" an image.

I think (and expect) that without any options for data behind the resolution, image should be just cropped to the resolution.

Here is a normal exr file (no data out of resolution): ... orbars.exr

Here i just scaled the image by 10% within the same format (resolution is not changed, bouding box is larger than resolution): ... scaled.exr

Code: Select all

$ convert -identify -verbose colorbars_scaled.exr /dev/null
*** Error in `convert': free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x00000000015c56e0 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
I just want to generate a thumbnail from an image file and do not need any data out of resolution.

Re: EXR bounding box and convert hang

Posted: 2014-04-01T10:50:35-07:00
by fmw42
Does this work?

Code: Select all

identify -verbose colorbars_scaled.exr

Re: EXR bounding box and convert hang

Posted: 2014-04-01T11:27:19-07:00
by magick
The fault is in the EXR library. The bug is either in the EXR ImfInputSetFrameBuffer() library call or we're calling it incorrectly.

Re: EXR bounding box and convert hang

Posted: 2014-04-02T02:19:23-07:00
by timurhai

Code: Select all

identify -verbose colorbars_scaled.exr
- the same error

Re: EXR bounding box and convert hang

Posted: 2014-04-02T02:21:25-07:00
by timurhai
IM was compiled with OpenEXR library version 2.1.0