Generation Loss
Posted: 2014-04-05T00:29:05-07:00
Hi. I'm really new to window command prompt and image magick. I am attempting to try to replicate Burny's code here:
I've gotten it to do one iteration, but no more. I am running this through the command prompt (correct right?). If you have any advice, walkthroughs, or places where I should research, I would be much obliged. Again, apologizing ahead of time for being so noob.
Code: Select all
for i in {0..2001}; do
convert GenerationLoss_step$i.jpg -rotate 90 -quality 85 GenerationLoss_step$(($i+1)).jpg
if [ $(($i%100)) -ne 0 ]; then
rm GenerationLoss_step$i.jpg
# (( i % 100 )) && rm GenerationLoss_step$i.jpg
echo -n "."