How i can make editable text layer?

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How i can make editable text layer?

Post by jackraymund »

i have problems, that i cant make a text layer.
I tried pango (-draw text), label and it always make a image layer.
Also i tried to attach *.tif file with text layers, but it make image layer from it.

convert ( -page +0+0 -label "label1" file.png -background none -mosaic -set colorspace RGB ) ( -page +0+0 -label "label2" file.png -background none -mosaic -set colorspace RGB ) ( -page +0+0 -label "label3" sample1.tif -background none -mosaic -set colorspace RGB ) ( -clone 0-5 -background none -flatten ) -insert 0 "out.psd" (in background out.psd)
Also i tried to remove all layers from tif, and let alone text layer. But still it make image layer.
If my output is a .tif file, it make only one layer 0.o
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Re: How i can make editable text layer?

Post by snibgo »

As far as I know, ImageMagick can't make text layers for Photoshop or Gimp. It converts text to pixels.

You can do it with the script languages of those systems.
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