IM skews font in vector eps files
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IM skews font in vector eps files
I'm using ImageMagic command line to convert images from eps into png. When a figure (eps vector created with some version of Illustrator) is passed through ImageMagick (either command line or opened in the IM viewer) it comes out with skewed font. Note - it's not italic, just skewed - actual italic font displays as "super-italic".
I also have equations created using MathType which do not have this problem.
Both types of images generally have Times New Roman as the font and no errors about missing fonts are displayed be IM. My first guess was a font issue - but TNR is the most generic font one can use.
I've done some searches and keep coming up with results explaining how to skew the entire image (as far as I can tell this is not happening) or different commands for getting text to appear (I don't want ANYTHING to change in the images).
The command I'm using to convert the images is: convert -density 150 imageName.eps -fill none imageName.png (although as I said, it displayed the skewed font in the viewer as well).
OS: Windows 7 Pro (64 bit)
ImageMagick 6.8.8 Q16 (64bit)
GhostScript 9.14 (for working with eps files)
SOLVED: Font issue with GhostScript. Solution appears to be to add the system variable GS_FONTPATH=C:\Windows\Fonts and restart. Maybe also a couple other things...but I'm pretty sure that's what solved it.
I also have equations created using MathType which do not have this problem.
Both types of images generally have Times New Roman as the font and no errors about missing fonts are displayed be IM. My first guess was a font issue - but TNR is the most generic font one can use.
I've done some searches and keep coming up with results explaining how to skew the entire image (as far as I can tell this is not happening) or different commands for getting text to appear (I don't want ANYTHING to change in the images).
The command I'm using to convert the images is: convert -density 150 imageName.eps -fill none imageName.png (although as I said, it displayed the skewed font in the viewer as well).
OS: Windows 7 Pro (64 bit)
ImageMagick 6.8.8 Q16 (64bit)
GhostScript 9.14 (for working with eps files)
SOLVED: Font issue with GhostScript. Solution appears to be to add the system variable GS_FONTPATH=C:\Windows\Fonts and restart. Maybe also a couple other things...but I'm pretty sure that's what solved it.
Last edited by LadyCygnus on 2014-04-24T13:54:35-07:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: IM skews font in vector eps files
I don't have other software that can view EPS files, so I can't help.
If you post a sample EPS file somewhere like and paste the URL here, someone might view the image with other software (eg Adobe something) and comment on any difference to ImageMagick.
If you post a sample EPS file somewhere like and paste the URL here, someone might view the image with other software (eg Adobe something) and comment on any difference to ImageMagick.
snibgo's IM pages:
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Re: IM skews font in vector eps files
Here are the files:
I've included
- original eps files (figure & equation)
- png files using the convert command with IM
- png screenshots of the eps files opened in IM viewer.
When I open the files using Adobe Illustrator they show up fine (roman text). When I open up the figure with IM it opens up with the text skewed - the equation works just fine.
I've included
- original eps files (figure & equation)
- png files using the convert command with IM
- png screenshots of the eps files opened in IM viewer.
When I open the files using Adobe Illustrator they show up fine (roman text). When I open up the figure with IM it opens up with the text skewed - the equation works just fine.
- fmw42
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Re: IM skews font in vector eps files
Your eps image is CMYK and PNG does not support CMYK.
I tried
convert -density 300 figure.eps figure.png
convert -density 300 -colorspace sRGB figure.eps figure.png
convert -density 300 -colorspace sRGB -strip figure.eps figure.png
convert -density 300 figure.eps figure.tif
They all produced slanted text.
But if I open your eps in Photoshop and change the colorspace to RGB and save as eps and then do
convert -density 300 figure2.eps figure2.png
It does not have slanted text, but the background is white (in both the eps and png image)
I am running IM Q16 Mac OSX
I tried
convert -density 300 figure.eps figure.png
convert -density 300 -colorspace sRGB figure.eps figure.png
convert -density 300 -colorspace sRGB -strip figure.eps figure.png
convert -density 300 figure.eps figure.tif
They all produced slanted text.
But if I open your eps in Photoshop and change the colorspace to RGB and save as eps and then do
convert -density 300 figure2.eps figure2.png
It does not have slanted text, but the background is white (in both the eps and png image)
I am running IM Q16 Mac OSX
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Re: IM skews font in vector eps files
...yes......and no.fmw42 wrote:Your eps image is CMYK and PNG does not support CMYK.
But if I open your eps in Photoshop and change the colorspace to RGB and save as eps and then do
When I open the eps file in Photoshop (which rasterizes it), set the colorspace to RGB and save as a Photoshop EPS it works in IM
When I open the eps file in Illustator and set the colorspace to RGB (and save) it still fails in IM. I tried unchecking "include CMYK in postscript" - still no go.
So apparently something in the way Photoshop saves an eps file in the RGB format "fixes" the problem.
Now...these eps files (and were talking about several thousand) were originally made for print. Although they are grayscale images - they are all probably in the CMYK colorspace - and would probably need to stay in that colorspace for print (RGB won't fair to well at a printer).
So...I NEED to start with CMYK eps files and get to RGB png files without the font becoming wonky. Note - these are grayscale images so color conversion issues are not a problem. Is there any way with ImageMagick to convert from CMYK to RGB in such a way to retain the shapes of the elements in the image?
(note - I'm off to research this too - I'm sure this NEW question has been answered somewhere).
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Re: IM skews font in vector eps files
Things NOT working:
Trying to convert the CMYK eps to RGB eps first - then convert eps to png
removed fill option (not really necessary since this ONE image doesn't have a transparent background)
converting to jpg (yea I know - but it was a shot in the dark
(note I will edit with new trials as I come across them)
Trying to convert the CMYK eps to RGB eps first - then convert eps to png
Code: Select all
convert -density 300 -colorspace cmyk figure.eps -fill none -colorspace rgb figure_eps2RGBeps.eps
convert -density 300 figure_eps2RGBeps.eps -fill none figure_RGBeps2png.png
Code: Select all
convert -density 300 -colorspace cmyk figure.eps -colorspace rgb figure_eps2RGBpngREMfill.png
Code: Select all
convert -density 300 -colorspace cmyk figure.eps -colorspace rgb figure_eps2RGBjpg.jpg
Last edited by LadyCygnus on 2014-04-10T12:55:33-07:00, edited 1 time in total.
- fmw42
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Re: IM skews font in vector eps files
I am not an expert on eps files nor photoshop or illustrator. However, the verbose information for your figure.eps file shows spot colors with italics fonts. IM does not know how to deal with spot colors. So this may be your issue? It also has a field xmpTPg:HasVisibleTransparency: False that may be causing the white background?
My suspicion is that the default font is italic, since even stripping the meta data to remove the spot fields and doing
shows the same slanted results.
Code: Select all
ps:SpotColor-0: font TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT
ps:SpotColor-1: procset Adobe_CoolType_Utility_T42 1.0 0
ps:SpotColor-2: procset Adobe_CoolType_Utility_MAKEOCF 1.23 0
ps:SpotColor-3: procset Adobe_CoolType_Core 2.31 0
ps:SpotColor-4: procset Adobe_AGM_Core 2.0 0
ps:SpotColor-5: procset Adobe_AGM_Utils 1.0 0
ps:SpotColor-6: TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT
ps:SpotColor-7: TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT
signature: f899856c08b8355c2e7a6bd31a28e634706a2c298928bd5104e7e5f9ef11de27
stDim:h: 70.157471
stDim:unit: Picas
stDim:w: 49.620443
xmp:CreateDate: 2012-01-25T14:05:15-05:00
xmp:CreatorTool: Adobe Illustrator CS5.1
xmpTPg:HasVisibleOverprint: True
xmpTPg:HasVisibleTransparency: False
xmpTPg:NPages: 1
Profile-xmp: 37025 bytes
filename: figure.eps
verbose: true
Code: Select all
convert -density 300 -colorspace sRGB -background none figure.eps -strip EPS3:figure2.eps
- fmw42
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Re: IM skews font in vector eps files
LadyCygnus wrote:Things NOT working:
Trying to convert the CMYK eps to RGB eps first - then convert eps to png(note I will edit with new trials as I come across them)Code: Select all
convert -density 300 -colorspace cmyk figure.eps -fill none -colorspace rgb figure_eps2RGBeps.eps convert -density 300 figure_eps2RGBeps.eps -fill none figure_RGBeps2png.png
The proper way to convert vector files from cmyk to rgb (if there are not profiles) is
Code: Select all
convert -density 300 -colorspace sRGB figure.eps figure.png
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Re: IM skews font in vector eps files
I have the file open in illustrator - there are no spot colors used in the file at all (when I do "select unused swatches" it only comes up with none, registration, white, & black as used). Both white and black are process CMYK. I'm looking at the font and it's TNR Regular 10pt.fmw42 wrote:I am not an expert on eps files nor photoshop or illustrator. However, the verbose information for your figure.eps file shows spot colors with italics fonts. IM does not know how to deal with spot colors. So this may be your issue?
My suspicion is that the default font is italic, since even stripping the meta data to remove the spot fields and doing
shows the same slanted results.Code: Select all
convert -density 300 -colorspace sRGB -background none figure.eps -strip EPS3:figure2.eps
-- I know well that programs can hide stuff...but I'm mightily confused by this.
The "-fill none" part of my convert line was for figures that did have a transparent background - to retain it. I forgot to remove it for this example and it really doesn't matter terribly at this point (maybe at some future point I'll clean the files so they are all the same).It also has a field xmpTPg:HasVisibleTransparency: False that may be causing the white background?
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Re: IM skews font in vector eps files
PS - I really appreciate the effort you all are making! At least now I have a basis to go on -- and it's one I would have never thought to consider.
- fmw42
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Re: IM skews font in vector eps files
check your eps file in in IM to see the spot colors.
That was how I found the spot colors. But even after I stripped them out, the problem still exists. It could be a bug in IM. I just do not know. It is odd that converting to RGB in PS and saving works, but with a white background. However, converting to sRGB with IM is not keeping the TNR plain and is using italics.
On the other hand, perhaps it is due to an old version of Illustrator, since I can resave as RGB in PS and it works fine.
Do you have a current version of Illustrator?
Code: Select all
convert figure.eps -verbose info:
On the other hand, perhaps it is due to an old version of Illustrator, since I can resave as RGB in PS and it works fine.
Do you have a current version of Illustrator?
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Re: IM skews font in vector eps files
Original file uploaded to was the original created with Illustrator R15.1 (CS 5)
I've been playing with the file on my computer and at some point saved it using R17 (or CC). I suspect this happened when trying to save as an RGB format in Illustrator. It's still producing the same errors.
Just to verify I saved the file in CC (64-bit)....(and I just opened the wrong adobe crashed illustrator...)
Opening the file and saving in CC didn't help. HOWEVER, opening the file, selecting all, copying, open a NEW file, paste & save does appear to produce a workable file.
I've uploaded the working eps to the account:
Interestingly, when running -verbose on it, it still has 6 spot colors, but the three "font" spot colors are gone. I feel like we are inching closer to the actual problem/solution (which hopefully isn't to recreate all these eps files by hand).
I already have a script that reads the MathType eps files and changes one value in them (Euros and MathType don't play well together). I'm tempted to try the same thing with this and find the "code" assigning these values and strip them out. [edit: the only thing in the text portion that comes close to looking like a declaration of a font is in the comments section - so this is probably a dead idea]
I've been playing with the file on my computer and at some point saved it using R17 (or CC). I suspect this happened when trying to save as an RGB format in Illustrator. It's still producing the same errors.
Just to verify I saved the file in CC (64-bit)....(and I just opened the wrong adobe crashed illustrator...)
Opening the file and saving in CC didn't help. HOWEVER, opening the file, selecting all, copying, open a NEW file, paste & save does appear to produce a workable file.
I've uploaded the working eps to the account:
Interestingly, when running -verbose on it, it still has 6 spot colors, but the three "font" spot colors are gone. I feel like we are inching closer to the actual problem/solution (which hopefully isn't to recreate all these eps files by hand).
I already have a script that reads the MathType eps files and changes one value in them (Euros and MathType don't play well together). I'm tempted to try the same thing with this and find the "code" assigning these values and strip them out. [edit: the only thing in the text portion that comes close to looking like a declaration of a font is in the comments section - so this is probably a dead idea]
- fmw42
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Re: IM skews font in vector eps files
There must still be something in the xmp profile, because when I used -strip to remove all the spot parameters, it still did not work.HOWEVER, opening the file, selecting all, copying, open a NEW file, paste & save does appear to produce a workable file.
I've uploaded the working eps to the account:
Interestingly, when running -verbose on it, it still has 6 spot colors, but the three "font" spot colors are gone. I feel like we are inching closer to the actual problem/solution (which hopefully isn't to recreate all these eps files by hand).
Profile-xmp: 37025 bytes
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Re: IM skews font in vector eps files
Just to clarify - this is when you use -strip on the original figure.eps file? When I do that I get a black box, so I'm probably using it wrong.fmw42 wrote:
There must still be something in the xmp profile, because when I used -strip to remove all the spot parameters, it still did not work.
Profile-xmp: 37025 bytes
Code: Select all
convert figure.eps -strip StripTest.eps
- fmw42
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Re: IM skews font in vector eps files
This is what I did.
The result looks like the input except for the slanted text. All the spot meta data is gone
Code: Select all
convert -density 300 -colorspace sRGB -background none figure.eps -strip EPS3:figure2.eps
Code: Select all
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