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Problem with imagemagick commands on MAMP server

Posted: 2014-04-21T06:55:40-07:00
by pierremomo
I have a weird problem that is driving me crazy these days :)

I have a command line using mogrify (for example but it is the same with compose or convert or so).
This command line works perfectly if I enter it manually in the console. It also works if I put it in a php file (using exec() function) and then run manually "php my_file.php" but If I try to "execute" this php file through MAMP server, it seems that I get no error but absolutely nothing is done on my image ...

I tried to put the "hard path" in front of each executable (for example /opt/local/bin/mogrify instead of just mogrify) and also in front of the image file but it does not change ...

If anybody has any idea I would be grateful !
thanks and have a nice day.

Re: Problem with imagemagick commands on MAMP server

Posted: 2014-04-21T09:52:55-07:00
by fmw42
check that your MAMP tmp directory is read/write and has plenty of space.

Re: Problem with imagemagick commands on MAMP server

Posted: 2014-04-21T11:45:01-07:00
by pierremomo
thanks for the answer ... I checked and everything looks fine :
drwxrwxrwx 6 my_login admin 204 21 avr 14:21 tmp

edit: and actually It was working and it is not anymore. I think it's since I switched to mavericks ...

Re: Problem with imagemagick commands on MAMP server

Posted: 2014-04-21T12:28:34-07:00
by fmw42
Perhaps you need to set environment variables in MAMP for IM. See ... nvironment