GUI for camera

Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
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GUI for camera

Post by zemlik »

The ImageMagick parts like convert ( is that called a routine ? ) seem to me to be very useful.
It is possible to replace a real world rostrum camera with manipulating a flat image file in software.
I do some little tests in bash but I would like to have a complete solution.
Does there exist a software that mimics a rostrum camera in software ?

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Re: GUI for camera

Post by fmw42 »

You can script the Ken Burns effect ( with Imagemagick doing the panning and zooming and combining the frames into an animation. You would need to have a list or text file of translations and zooms for each frame. Or just a start x,y and end x,y and start zoom and end zoom and number of frames. The script could then linearly interpolate those arguments. The IM function -distort SRT could do the processing. The script would depend upon your OS (Windows vs Unix). I think the Ken Burns effect is the basics of your rostrum camera processing.
Correct me if this is not what you want to do.
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Re: GUI for camera

Post by zemlik »

to describe
an image file of a grid has size say 7200x7200 pixels
the center of the image would be north 0. south 0. east 0, west 0 and the zoom would be 0.
then you would say move the center of your view to N=20;W-5 in so many frames and I want to start slowly and finish slowly.
additionally while you are doing that I want to move the image that is attached to pegbar inside top by 3 increments [west].
that should be doable in software.
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Re: GUI for camera

Post by snibgo »

ImageMagic contains the tools to generate each frame. I use "-distort SRT" for this.

The software to drive this might be very complex. You also need to decide how the user will specify the pan/zoom movements, soft start/end, etc.
zemlik wrote:Does there exist a software that mimics a rostrum camera in software ?
Probably all video editors can do this.
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Re: GUI for camera

Post by zemlik »

I am a little bit stupid I know, I said does there exist a software that will mimic a rostrum camera.?
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Re: GUI for camera

Post by snibgo »

I expect most video editors can do the pan/zoom functions of a rostrum camera. For example: Movie Maker, included with MS Windows. Or Blender, which is open source for many platforms, is far more powerful but also far more complex. Or the professional tools from Adobe.
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Re: GUI for camera

Post by fmw42 »

zemlik wrote:yes.
to describe
an image file of a grid has size say 7200x7200 pixels
the center of the image would be north 0. south 0. east 0, west 0 and the zoom would be 0.
then you would say move the center of your view to N=20;W-5 in so many frames and I want to start slowly and finish slowly.
This can be scripted easily for straight line movements for uniform speed. If you need non-uniform speeds, you would have to break it up into smaller segments and control the number of frames in each segment or change the delays for each segment.

zemlik wrote:additionally while you are doing that I want to move the image that is attached to pegbar inside top by 3 increments [west].
I do not understand this. Can you show an example animation or one frame showing this aspect?
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Re: GUI for camera

Post by zemlik »

I do not understand this. Can you show an example animation or one frame showing this aspect?
I'll try and do something later to show.
I started to try to do a zoom/loop ( ) using

Code: Select all

((x = 4800))
((h = 4800))
(( y = 60))
(( f = 50 ))
exp=`echo "1/$f" | bc -l`
num=`echo "$y^2/$x^2" | bc -l`
pr=`echo "1-(e($exp * l($num)))" | bc -l`
echo "this is the proportion: $pr"
for ((i=1; i<=$f; i++))
nf=`echo "sqrt(($x^2)*((1-$pr)^$i))" | bc -l`
printf -v chop "%.0f" "$nf"
echo "$i:$chop" >> fields.txt
((xc = $x/2))
((hc = $h/2))
printf -v hxc "%.0f" "$xc"
printf -v hhc "%.0f" "$hc"
dist=`echo "$x/$chop" | bc -l`
convert 4800bear.jpg -distort SRT $hxc,$hhc,$dist,0 4800bear-$i.jpg
and I could do a mix with

Code: Select all

#--- { start..end..step} --
for i in {25..100..25}
((c = $c + 1))
echo "$i"
composite -blend $i 4800bear40-$c.jpg 4800bear1-4$c.jpg bearmix$c.jpg
I thought that it should be not too hard to emulate a real animation disk / rostrum camera using imagemagick perhaps using a database/spreadsheet to emulate a "dope sheet" with levels of scanned drawings and camera moves which a script can read and output frames of combined elements which can then be combined in a video composer.
I am not that familiar with the animation software but what I have looked at seem complicated and expensive.
Somebody must have done this ?
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Re: GUI for camera

Post by snibgo »

Blender is free but complicated. If I remember correctly, users can define a Bezier path for the panning.

For my own unpublished video editor, I use a simpler scheme. Panning is always in a straight line, so the user gives just start and end coordinates. Zooming is always proportional so just needs start and end factors. Each movement has optional soft start and end.
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Re: GUI for camera

Post by zemlik »

so I googled and it looks possible to read values from a CSV spreadsheet file with awk.
So I just need to know if can move one image over another in one go ?
I can see moving the frame over one image and then combining over another with

Code: Select all

How is transparency of one image's background described ?
frame 1: A B
frame 2: AB
frame 3; BA
frame 4: B A
so image B moves left and over( or under ) image A on a background image
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Re: GUI for camera

Post by glennrp »

zemlik wrote:The ImageMagick parts like convert ( is that called a routine ? )
We call them "utilities" or "commandline utilities".
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