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Can't convert orf into jpg

Posted: 2014-04-22T09:56:55-07:00
by edo
Hello everybody

I'd like to convert a list of .orf-files into a list of .jpg-files. I tried it this way for a single file:

Edos-MacBook:Schreibtisch Edo$ identify -list format | grep -i orf
ORF DNG r-- Olympus Digital Camera Raw Image File
Edos-MacBook:Schreibtisch Edo$ convert P4306546.ORF -resize 99.2% P4306546.jpg
convert: delegate failed `"ufraw-batch" --silent --create-id=also --out-type=png --out-depth=16 "--output=%u.png" "%i"' @ error/delegate.c/InvokeDelegate/1065.
convert: unable to open image `/var/tmp/magick-45631Etx90n4IrjV.ppm': No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2643.
convert: no images defined `P4306546.jpg' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3145.

Unfortunately, I don't understand the error message. Could you please suggest me a solution?

Many thanks in advance

Re: Can't convert orf into jpg

Posted: 2014-04-22T09:59:27-07:00
by snibgo
Is ufraw-batch installed on your computer? If not, you need to install it.

Re: Can't convert orf into jpg

Posted: 2014-04-26T22:52:57-07:00
by edo
Hello snibgo

Many thanks for this advice. I'll try to install and test this soon. I'll reply my results.

best regards

Re: Can't convert orf into jpg

Posted: 2014-04-27T02:33:51-07:00
by zemlik
if I try

Code: Select all

for i in $(ls *.jpg)
echo $i
convert $i $i.orf
I get

convert: no encode delegate for this image format '4800bear1.jpg.orf' @ warning/constitute.c/WriteImage/1215.
then here

it says

Code: Select all

convert -list configure
and so I don't have .orf ( whatever orf is )( ah! it is an olympus raw image format ).

DELEGATES bzlib djvu fontconfig freetype gs jpeg jng jp2 lcms lzma openexr pango png rsvg tiff x11 xml wmf zlib

Re: Can't convert orf into jpg

Posted: 2014-04-27T02:45:56-07:00
by zemlik
ok I don't have an .orf file but it says here

that imagemagick can read .orf files ?

so it should work converting orf to jpg ?

Re: Can't convert orf into jpg

Posted: 2014-04-27T03:05:43-07:00
by snibgo
If you have ufraw-batch, it can read .orf files, but not write them.

If you don't have ufraw-batch, it can't read or write them.

Re: Can't convert orf into jpg

Posted: 2014-04-27T03:09:29-07:00
by zemlik
I downloaded an .ORF file and convert converts it to a .jpg
Ah! ok imagemagick uses ufraw ? ( which I have installed )