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pdf having editable fields to tiff conversion

Posted: 2014-04-25T03:36:17-07:00
by jaideept
Hi all,

i am new to Imagemagick and it is awesome. for one of our requirement, we need to convert pdf having editable fields to tiff. i have used Convert command but it results in data loss, i.e., we can see in 2-3 line of paragraph, tiff image displays only first line, rest of the data is lost.

Any advice/guidance/feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Re: pdf having editable fields to tiff conversion

Posted: 2014-04-25T04:43:31-07:00
by snibgo
Put a sample PDF somewhere like and paste the URL here.

Re: pdf having editable fields to tiff conversion

Posted: 2014-04-25T09:37:02-07:00
by fmw42
Also please supply your version of IM and platform and your exact command line. See viewtopic.php?f=1&t=9620