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Cant change background image complitly
Posted: 2014-04-28T11:41:04-07:00
by soulilya
Hi guys. Im trying change background image from black to white. Its for my internet magazine. Images over 1300 in jpg format. But when i try change background over main image background stays the same.
For example:
This is original image
Re: Cant change background image complitly
Posted: 2014-04-28T13:10:26-07:00
by fmw42
I cannot seem to open your links or they take very long time. But please provide your IM version and platform and the exact command you used.
Re: Cant change background image complitly
Posted: 2014-04-28T23:46:32-07:00
by soulilya
Im used command from tutorial.
Code: Select all
convert balloon.gif -fill white -opaque blue balloon_white.gif
Re: Cant change background image complitly
Posted: 2014-04-29T10:19:43-07:00
by fmw42
soulilya wrote:Im used command from tutorial.
Code: Select all
convert balloon.gif -fill white -opaque blue balloon_white.gif
Your command works just fine for me on IM Q16 Mac OSX.
What is your IM version and platform? There may be a bug in your version.
The other thing to try is add a little fuzz factor to it.
Code: Select all
convert balloon.gif -fuzz X% -fill white -opaque blue balloon_white.gif
try 1% and if that does not work, then try larger amounts. If it still does not work, the you may need to upgrade IM.
Re: Cant change background image complitly
Posted: 2014-04-29T13:23:02-07:00
by soulilya
Last version for windows. Thank you for reply. Its better, but still there is artefacts
Re: Cant change background image complitly
Posted: 2014-04-29T15:23:23-07:00
by fmw42
Sorry, your links do not work for me.