New IM user. First, thanks for this incredibly powerful CLI application. I simply love it.
What I'd like to do is develop an efficient, general purpose script for converting color photographs into 1-Bit GIF format. The end goal is to get the smallest file size, and still retain enough visual information with the pixels so the photograph (for instance a face) can be positively recognized when compared with the original.
Original Images range in size typically from a maximum dimension of 800 to 1400, and typically in PNG or JPG format. We're not dealing with huge, high-dimension tiffs here.
I'm a Linux user, and using the Bash shell for handling IM from the console for batch processing. I've tried quite a few options with convert. The order in which these are processed, from left to right, seems to be significant. My knowledge of image processing is at the hobbyist level.
A list of things I've tried:
Code: Select all
-ordered-dither (with all built-in options such as o2x2 / o4x4 / h4x4a / h4x4o etc]
-colorspace gray
-sigmoidal-contrast [with different settings]
-colors 2
Thanks for your time!