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option requires an argument `-resize'

Posted: 2014-05-04T06:13:09-07:00
by unusable
I've spent hours trying to get the command line working and it seems impossible. This is not simple at all, for something that should be...

I've installed the latest version and trying to run the following:

convert IMG_3899.jpg -resize 1000x1500

Any variations of this just result in:

convert.exe: option requires an argument `-resize' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2502.

Second of all, how can I maintain the Adobe colour profile? If I resize in the app, it loses lots of colour.

Re: option requires an argument `-resize'

Posted: 2014-05-04T07:11:10-07:00
by snibgo
You need an output filename at the end of the command. This can be the same as the input filename.

Re: option requires an argument `-resize'

Posted: 2014-05-06T08:30:31-07:00
by unusable
Great. Not sure why that wasn't in any of the doco I looked at. Would have saved lots of time.

Looks like the colour profile is being kept too which is good.

Re: option requires an argument `-resize'

Posted: 2014-05-06T09:00:37-07:00
by Bonzo
In later versions of IM the colour profile is also kept in -thumbnail but most other data is stripped; resulting in a smaller file.