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Convert BMP to transparent PNG

Posted: 2014-05-16T03:12:30-07:00
by Markus Breitinger
I have a collection of Windows BMP files which use the color of upper left corner to define the transparent background. The target should be PNG files.

I tried:
convert MOT01_MOT_AP_GROSS_AUS.bmp -transparent %[pixel:p{0,0}] MOT01_MOT_AP_GROSS_AUS.png

but somehow it is wrong. Could you please help me!

Re: Convert BMP to transparent PNG

Posted: 2014-05-16T06:01:38-07:00
by snibgo
Sadly, "-transparent" needs an actual colour, and can't accept a "pixel:" expression.

I don't think this can be done in a single convert. We can do it in two converts. The first gets the colour. For example, Windows BAT format:

Code: Select all

for /F "usebackq" %%C ^
in (`%IM%convert x.bmp -format "%%[pixel:p{0,0}]" info:`) ^
do set ONE_PIXEL=%%C

%IM%convert x.bmp -transparent %ONE_PIXEL% x.png

Re: Convert BMP to transparent PNG

Posted: 2014-05-16T21:47:29-07:00
by fmw42
there is a way to do the equivalent in one command. you can even add -fuzz XX% if you want

Code: Select all

convert image.bmp -fill none -draw "matte 0,0 replace" newimage.png

Re: Convert BMP to transparent PNG

Posted: 2014-05-17T02:49:50-07:00
by snibgo
Ah, brilliant, thanks. I thought I might be forgetting something.

[Solved] Re: Convert BMP to transparent PNG

Posted: 2014-05-19T01:59:52-07:00
by Markus Breitinger
Thank you very much! Works great.