Convert colours

Questions and postings pertaining to the usage of ImageMagick regardless of the interface. This includes the command-line utilities, as well as the C and C++ APIs. Usage questions are like "How do I use ImageMagick to create drop shadows?".
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Convert colours

Post by raced »

Hi wonder if someone can help.
I am new to this sort of thing !
I have a load of images (templates of mats) The image is all black on a white background.
I want to change the black to red , while leaving the white as is.
I need to do this on mass for 700 images.
I need the file name to remain the same with say _red at end of file name.
I have been sent the following code however file name is changed to test. Can someone help please?
convert *.jpg +level-colors red,white test_red.jpg
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Re: Convert colours

Post by snibgo »

What is your platform? Windows, Unix, Mac, or what?
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Re: Convert colours

Post by raced »

Hi running on windows 7
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Re: Convert colours

Post by snibgo »

Code: Select all

for /F "usebackq" %%F in (`dir /b *.jpg`) do convert %%F -fill Red -opaque Black %%~nF_red%%~xF
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Re: Convert colours

Post by raced »

This doesnt work ? The image remains the same colour ?
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Re: Convert colours

Post by snibgo »

Perhaps the images aren't really black. Put an example somewhere like and paste the URL here.
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Re: Convert colours

Post by raced »
heres a link to one image.
i am using the below code.
This will change the colour from black to red and also resize .
Problem is if it has to do more than one image it then screws.
ren *.jpg *.JPG

md temp
md webready

copy *.JPG temp\*.JPG
cd temp

mogrify -resize 500x *.JPG
mogrify -annotate 0,0 '' -font Arial -pointsize 24 xc:grey30 -gravity NorthEast -draw "fill grey70 text 5,5 ''" *
mogrify -annotate 0,0 '' -font Arial -pointsize 24 xc:black -gravity NorthEast -draw "fill black text 6,6 '' text 5,5 '
convert *.jpg +level-colors red,white *.jpg
ren ??????????????????????????????????????????????????.JPG ??????????????????????????????????????????????????_red.jpg

cd ..

deltree temp
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Re: Convert colours

Post by snibgo »

My command works fine for me. IM v6.8.9-0 on Windows 8.1. If run from a command prompt, change each "%%" to "%".

You said "The image is all black on a white background" but it really has black, white and 4 shades of gray. This isn't surprising, as it is a jpg image. If you have any choice, NEVER use jpg for solid colours.
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Re: Convert colours

Post by raced »

I have removed the % and now nothing happens. I am now totally confused ?
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Re: Convert colours

Post by snibgo »

Are you are running a BAT file, or typing the command at the prompt? What exactly is your command?

Nothing happens? No error message?
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Re: Convert colours

Post by fmw42 »

What version of Imagemagick are you using? Perhaps you need to ugrade

You cannot use multiple inputs and make multiple outputs using convert.

Either of these work for me on my Mac (unix syntax). The first, however, puts a period before _red.jpg

The input data is in test1 and the results are put into test2 (test2 must exist)

Code: Select all

cd desktop/test1
mogrify -path /Users/fred/desktop/test2 -format _red.jpg +level-colors red,white "*.jpg"
This has the input data in test1 and puts the result in test1

Code: Select all

for img in $(ls); do
convert $img +level-colors red,white ${img}_red.jpg

This has the input data in test1 and puts the result in test2

Code: Select all

for img in $(ls); do
convert $img +level-colors red,white ../test2/${img}_red.jpg
Sorry I do not know the windows syntax.
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