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dark parts of image brighter only

Posted: 2014-05-22T00:21:15-07:00
by janmartin3

We have a real lot of panoramas.
Dark areas needs to become brighter, without over-exposing the already bright parts.

I am looking for a command-line to do this.
We then will apply this fully automatic.

Single panorama:

A few panoramas for development:

Contact information:


Re: dark parts of image brighter only

Posted: 2014-05-22T04:40:01-07:00
by snibgo
janmartin3 wrote:Dark areas needs to become brighter, without over-exposing the already bright parts.
There are many way of doing this, depending on what you are trying to do.

I suggest you make a "before" and "after" image, showing what you want. You could do this in Gimp, perhaps with menu "Colors, Curves". If all images need exactly the same operation, use Gimp to make a clut or hald-clut, and use ImageMagick to apply it.

Re: dark parts of image brighter only

Posted: 2014-05-22T10:06:07-07:00
by fmw42
What version of Imagemagick are you using and especially on what platform?

try for starters

Code: Select all

convert 000000071.jpg -gamma 1.5 test1.png

Code: Select all

convert 000000071.jpg +sigmoidal-contrast 3x100% test2.png

Adjust the values 1.5 or 3 to suit. As user snibgo says, there are many ways to work this.

If on Linux/Mac OSX or Windows with Cygwin, you can look at some of my script at the link below, such as autotone and numerous others