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Search iconset for web tool

Posted: 2014-05-29T23:54:32-07:00
by myspacee
in these day i assemble some PHP scripts to give my lan users a bit of IMagic :)

From local address people can upload an image, then rotate, cut, sepia, apply some balance, pixel face, etc.

Anyone know a good icon set to use in web page ?

I know, maybe this forum is not a right place to ask, but search for myself without luck.
I need icond for rotate, rotate clockwise, flip, flop, cut, sepia, and some others basic IM operation.

Sorry again for strange request,

Re: Search iconset for web tool

Posted: 2014-05-30T10:03:36-07:00
by fmw42
Just take some nice image and process it for the effect and make a thumbnail of it and use that as an icon. For example, see what we did at

Re: Search iconset for web tool

Posted: 2014-05-31T07:54:55-07:00
by myspacee
thank you,
can't remember link :)
