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Accessing multi-frame image in Magick++

Posted: 2014-06-10T06:56:36-07:00
by laurchar2
I have an image aa.png. how to get its fourier tranform in the image aa_ft. png ?
I am working on a windows version, and I do not understand the command to enter to get it ?
How to use forwardFourierTransformImage ? it should works with which setup ? Can someone give me an example ?


Re: Accessing multi-frame image in Magick++

Posted: 2014-06-10T07:30:37-07:00
by snibgo
[Mod note: moved to own topic in Users forum.]

For details about Fourier processing, see ... urier.html

To do Fourier processing, you need FFTW to be linked in. The standard Windows binaries don't have this, so you would need to compile it yourself.